
Adding New Products

Adding new products is simple and can be done in under a minute. However our back office also provides you with powerful functions and options, that are optional, when creating your products. Explore and leverage on some of these options to create a more efficient work environment for your business.

Follow the steps below to create a new product:

1. After you have logged in to your back office, click on “Product" category on the left side menu

2. Next, click on the “Product Information" sub-category

3. Click on “New" to create a new product

4. Enter the compulsory information:

  • Product S/N (barcode), click on “Create" if product does not come with a barcode to generate a random S/N
  • Product Name
  • Product Category
  • Selling Price
  • Cost Price (if not applicable, simply enter “0")
  • Stock (if not applicable, simply enter “0")

5. Click on “close” switch to enable optional settings/information settings

6. Enter the optional information:

  • Member discount eligibility (click on the switch to toggle it, blue = enabled, grey = disabled)
  • Member price (item sold to member will be fixed to the preset member price, not inclusive of any taxes)
  • Bulk Price (for wholesale mode)
  • Unit of measurement (UOM) for the item (click on “Edit" to add new UOM)
  • Click on “Order" if you intend to use the UOM as the order unit (blue tick=yes, grey circle=no))
  • Short name of the product, used for quick search on the front office
  • Suppliers (suppliers have to be added from the back office first)
  • Production date of the product
  • Usable period of the product
  • Max level of stock (used to trigger an inventory warning once stock level exceeds max level)
  • Minimum level of stock (used to trigger an inventory warning once stock level falls below the minimum level)
  • Label Printer (click on the switch to toggle it, blue = enabled, grey = disabled)
  • Product Remarks (if any)

7. Once done click on “Save”